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Version: 5.7

Work Model Service


This class contains the start and end of core time. It is used to set the core working time globally in TimePunch.

DateTime?BeginOfCoreTimeThat’s the time when the user must be logged in latest.
DateTime?EndOfCoreTimeThat’s the time when the user is allowed to log out without having a core time violation.


This class contains the defintion of one working time model.

DateTimeValidSinceYesThe date from which of the work model is valid
List\<WorkdayDto>WorkdayModelsYesList of the workday models
boolIsDefaultModelTrue, if the given workmodel is the default (or fallback) work model of the user
BoolIsShortTimeWorkTrue, if the given workmodel defines a short-time work model


This class contains the definition for one workday.

DateTimeDateDefines the date of the workday model
BoolHasToWorkTrue, if the day is marked as a workday.
DateTimeBeginOfWorkBegin of the defined time frame.
doubleWorkingTimeThe defined working time of the day
DoubleFractionOfDayGets a value of 0,5 or 1 in order to define the fraction of the day of the workday.
DoubleEstimatedWorkingTimeThe estimated working time for the given date. This flag combines (HasToWork) with (WorkingTime)
DoubleEstimatedDurationAsDayDefines if the duration is a 0,5 or 1
BoolEstimatedHasToWorkTrue, if HasToWork is true and the day is not a public holiday (!isPublicHoliday)
BoolIsPublicHolidayTrue, if the day is a public holiday
BoolIsShortTimeWorkTodayTrue, if a short time work has been defined for the given workday
WorkdayDtoRegularWorkdayReference to a WorkdayDto if the given day is a short time work. So the regular workday is defined there.
DoubleWorktimeOffsetThis is a daily offset to the worktime. With that offset the user can get additional worktime without working.
BoolDynamicWorktimeIf dynamic worktime is set to true, there is no estimated worktime. The user can work as long and how much as he wants to.
DateTime?BeginOfCoreTimeThat’s the time when the user must be logged in latest.
DateTime?EndOfCoreTimeThat’s the time when the user is allowed to log out without having a core time violation.